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The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC attended the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup, India vs Pakistan, at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, visited the Emergency Management Victoria State Control Centre.

Later, the Governor and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC hosted the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Official Welcome Reception; and later a dinner for Dr Eyal Zimlichman of the Sheba Medical Centre.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, hosted a morning tea for Trust for Nature.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, presided over a meeting of the Executive Council; and then received the call of Alex Zaccaria, Co-Founder and CEO, Anthony Zaccaria, Co-Founder, and Nick Humphreys, Co-Founder of Linktree.

The Governor and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC later attended the State Funeral Service for Uncle Jack Charles.

Earlier, Mr Howard conducted a tour for the International Parents Group of Brighton Grammar School.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC welcomed Term 4 participants of the Peace and Prosperity Kitchen Garden Program to Government House.

The Governor then received the call of Louis Le Valliant, Director and Curator of The Johnston Collection.


While on an Official Visit to Japan, the Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, toured the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo.

The Governor then concluded her Official Visit to Japan and departed for Melbourne.


While on an Official Visit to Japan, the Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, attended the pre-launch of Ghibli Studio Theme Park.

Later, the Governor toured the BioJapan exhibition; and then gave an address at a BioJapan event.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, was represented at a traditional monk blessing to honour the victims of the massacre in Thailand by Sub Lieutenant Samuel Spooner, Honorary Aide-de-Camp of the Governor of Victoria.

The Governor was also represented at the State Memorial Service for John Famechon AM by Inspector Melissa Rodgers, Honorary Aide-de-Camp of the Governor of Victoria.

While on an Official Visit to Japan, the Governor attended the Victoria-Japan Young Women in Leadership Breakfast; and met with Minister Counsellor Claire Elias, from the Australian Embassy to Japan.

The Governor then met with Shunsuke Takei, State Minister for Foreign Affairs and Junji Shimada, Consul-General of Japan in Melbourne; and attended the AJBCC Closing Ceremony.

Later, the Governor attended a briefing on SoftBank Corp. Innovation Station; and met with Kan Susaki, Chair of Aichi Prefectural Assembly.

In the evening, the Governor met with His Excellency Hideaki Ohmura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture.


While on an Official Visit to Japan, the Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, met with Adam Cunneen, Victoria’s Commissioner for North Asia; and later met with Takashi Horie, Chief Executive Officer, Masatuki Moroi, Director, and Yoshihiro Sumida, Director, Mitsubishi Corporation.

In the evening, the Governor attended and gave an address at the Australia-Japan Business Cooperation Committee (AJBCC) Conference Dinner.


While on an Official Visit to Scotland, the Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, met with Tim Dillon, Victoria’s Agent-General to the UK and Commissioner for Europe.