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The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC attended a Solemn Choral Evensong for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at St Paul’s Cathedral.


On behalf of the people of Victoria, the Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC, marked the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The Governor was interviewed by Neil Mitchell for 3AW Mornings, via telephone.

Later, the Governor and Mr Howard laid a wreath in memory of Her Majesty The Late Queen Elizabeth II at the Government House front gate. The Governor and Mr Howard then accompanied the Hon. Daniel Andrews MP, Premier of Victoria and Mrs Catherine Andrews as they laid a wreath at Government House front gate.

The Governor and Mr Howard then hosted Premier Daniel Andrews and Mrs Andrews for a condolence book signing at Government House.

After, the Governor and Mr Howard hosted Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Matthew Guy MP and Mrs Renae Guy for a wreath laying and condolence book signing.

Later, the Governor received former Governor of Victoria, the Hon. Alex Chernov AC KC, and Mrs Chernov for a condolence book signing.

In the afternoon, the Governor was interviewed by Raf Epstein, ABC Radio Melbourne Drive, via telephone.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, received the call of John Bradley PSM, Secretary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

The Governor and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC then hosted an investiture ceremony for the Order of Australia Queen's Birthday Honours.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, received the call of Susan Oliver AM, Chair of the Alice Anderson Fund.

The Governor and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC then hosted an investiture ceremony for the Order of Australia Queen's Birthday Honours.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, gave Royal Assent and presided over a meeting of the Executive Council.

The Governor and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC then hosted an investiture ceremony for the Order of Australia Queen's Birthday Honours.

In the evening, the Governor, accompanied by Mr Howard, attended and gave an address at the State Memorial Service for Judith Durham AO.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, received the calls of Shimada Junji, Consul-General of Japan in Melbourne; and Tim Ada, Deputy Secretary for Economic Policy and State Productivity, Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Later, the Governor and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC met with His Excellency Mr Paolo Crudele, Ambassador of Italy, and Hanna Pappalardo, Consul-General of Italy.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC attended the State Memorial Service for the Honourable Jane Garrett.

Later, the Governor received the call of Richard Andrews, CEO of Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee.

In the evening, the Governor and Mr Howard hosted a dinner in honour of the new Cumming Global Centre for Pandemic Therapeutics at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC received the call of Elly Patira, Deputy Secretary First Peoples - State Relations Group. The Governor then received the call of Dr Kiran Martin, Founder of Asha and Robert Johanson AO, Chair of Australian Friends of Asha for Slums.

The Governor and Mr Howard then attended the memorial of Ray Horsburgh AM.

Later, the Governor received the calls of Professor Ann Nicholson, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University; and, via telephone, Tony Ellwood AM, Director of National Gallery of Victoria.

In the evening, the Governor and Mr Howard hosted a reception for the community sport sector.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC hosted a virtual Governor in Schools Program session with students from Billanook College; and then met with Associate Professor Michelle Telfer, Paediatrician & Adolescent Physician, Director, Department of Adolescent Medicine at The Royal Children's Hospital.

Later, the Governor received the call of Peggy O'Neal AO, Chancellor of RMIT University.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, gave Royal Assent and presided over a virtual meeting of the Executive Council.

The Governor then attended the Australian World Orchestra Rehearsal, conducted by Maestro Zubin Mehta, at the Iwaki Auditorium.