Notes on the program of the Governor of Victoria.


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The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, hosted the Order of Australia Bravery Awards.

Then, the Governor hosted a lunch in honour of His Excellency Gitanas Nausėda, President of Lithuania.

In the afternoon, the Governor received the call of Jenny Atta PSM, Secretary, Department of Education.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, presided at a meeting of the Executive Council at the Old Treasury Building.

Then, the Governor received the call of Dr Kiran Martin, Founder and Director of Australian Friends of Asha, and Chandan Singh, Student of Asha.

Later, the Governor hosted a Higher Education Roundtable Lunch.



The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, welcomed Term 4 Kitchen Garden Program Participants.

Later, the Governor hosted a roundtable afternoon tea for Global Victoria’s Heads of Post.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, received the call of His Excellency Dr George Vella, President of the Republic of Malta.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, received the call of Katrina Sedgwick OAM, CEO, Melbourne Arts Precinct Corporation.

Later, the Governor hosted the Governor of Victoria Export Awards Ceremony.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, hosted the Victorian Senior of the Year Awards Ceremony.

Then, the Governor received the call of the Honourable Jaclyn Symes MLC, Attorney-General of Victoria.

Later, the Governor farewelled His Excellency Mr Hideaki Ohmura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture, following his stay at Government House, inviting him to sign the Guest Book.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, provided Royal Assent before presiding at a meeting of the Executive Council.

Then, the Governor received the call of Professor John Dewar AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of La Trobe University.

Later, the Governor received the call of His Excellency Mr Hideaki Ohmura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture.

In the evening, the Governor hosted a dinner for Governor Ohmura.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, received the call of a delegation of female parliamentarians from India.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, received the call of the Honourable Phil Honeywood, CEO of International Education Association of Australia.


While on a Regional Tour to Central Goldfields Shire, the Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, attended a tour of the Maryborough District Health Service.

Then, the Governor toured and received a briefing at the Maryborough Highland Society.

Following this, the Governor attended a tour and Assembly at Talbot Primary School.

Later, the Governor completed a tour of the Talbot Arts and Historical Museum.

In the afternoon, the Governor concluded her Regional Tour and returned to Government House.