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While on an Official Visit to China, the Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC toured Niushoushan Cultural Park in Nanjing, Jiangsu before visiting Langyalu Primary School where they met alumni of Victorian schools.

Later they met with Mr Wu Zhenglong, Governor of Jiangsu Province, before attending a dinner hosted by Governor Wu in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Victoria Jiangsu Sister State relationship.


While on an Official Visit to China, the Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC toured Jiangsu Province Hospital before meeting with representatives of the Jiangsu Foreign Affairs Office.

Later, they met with the Jiangsu Science and Technology Department before the Governor was interviewed by Jiangsu Broadcasting.

In the evening the Governor and Mr Howard attended a reception with Austcham and alumni of Victorian universities.


While on an Official Visit to China, the Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC visited the historically significant Humble Administrator’s Garden in Suzhou, before meeting with Mr Li Yaping, Mayor of Suzhou.

Later, they toured the Monash University / South East University Joint Graduate School.


While on an Official Visit to China, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC attended the AFL match between St Kilda and Port Adelaide in Shanghai. 


While on an Official Visit to China, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC attended a breakfast hosted by Mr Matt Finnis, CEO of St Kilda Football Club, before meeting with Ms Maggie Zhou, ANZ Managing Director, Alibaba Group.

They then hosted a lunch for Ladies Who Tech before attending the AFL Gala dinner.


While on an Official Visit to China, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC met with Mr Graeme Meehan, Australian Consul-General to Shanghai, before meeting with the Mayor of Shanghai Mr Ying Yong.

They met with the Chancellor of Shanghai University of Sport before touring the University.

Later, at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Governor and Mr Howard hosted a Friends of Victoria Networking Event before attending the Shanghai Sharks vs South East Melbourne Phoenix Basketball game.



While on an Official Visit to China, the Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC travelled to Shanghai, before attending a dinner with Shanghai leaders in healthcare, MedTech, aged care, education, arts and innovation. 


While on an Official Visit to Hong Kong SAR and China, the Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC met with the Vice Mayor of Zhuhai before meeting with the Australian Consul-General to Guangzhou, Mr Jason Robertson.

Later, they toured the By-Health ‘Transparent Factory’ and the Zhuhai Opera House.


While on an Official Visit to Hong Kong, the Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC toured the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre before meeting with Mr Eric C. Yim JP, Chairman of the Hong Kong Design Centre and the Design Council of Hong Kong.

The Governor & Mr Howard met with executives from Chow Tai Fook, before attending a briefing by representatives of Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Later, they attended the AustCham Westpac Australia-China Business Awards Gala Dinner.


On an official visit to Hong Kong, the Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC received a briefing from the Victorian Government Trade and Investment Commissioner to Greater China.

Later they visited the Macau Jockey Club, before attending a dinner with Macau Jockey Club Executives and other investors.