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The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC, hosted the Peace & Prosperity Kitchen Garden Program End of Year Morning Tea.

Later, Mr Howard attended the Melbourne Indigenous Transition School End of Year Celebration at the MCG.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM KC, hosted a lunch for Hospitality Industry representatives.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, received the call of the Honourable Daniel Andrews MP, Premier of Victoria, and accompanied by Mr Anthony Howard AM KC, conducted a swearing in ceremony of the third Andrews Ministry.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, received the call of His Excellency Mr Vương Đình Huệ, President of the National Assembly of Vietnam. Later, the Governor hosted a lunch in His Excellency's honour.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau, received the call of Agus Yudhoyono, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Indonesia.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, hosted the HER Centre Morning Tea.

Later, the Governor hosted the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute as part of the Governor’s Lecture Series.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, visited Maribyrnong City Council.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, farewelled participants of the Term 4 Kitchen Garden Program.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, hosted the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Awards.


The Governor, the Hon Linda Dessau AC, hosted the Royal Humane Society of Australasia 2022 Bravery Awards; and later a roundtable for representatives from Victoria’s manufacturing industry.