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King’s Birthday Honours Investitures at Government House Victoria

Look back on the recent investiture ceremonies held at Government House.

Recordings: Order of Australia Investiture Ceremonies

The Governor of Victoria hosted investiture ceremonies for Victorian recipients of the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours.

A look back at Investitures Week

Hear from a recipient about what it means to be recognised and find out how you can nominate someone you know.

Recordings: Order of Australia Investiture Ceremonies

The Governor of Victoria hosted Investiture ceremonies for Victorian recipients of the 2024 Australia Day Honours.

Recording: Australian Bravery Decorations Investiture Ceremony

The Governor of Victoria hosted an Investiture ceremony for Victorian recipients of the Australian Bravery Decorations on Wednesday 18 October.

Celebrating the King’s Birthday Honours List

Look back on the recent investiture ceremonies held at Government House.

Recordings: Order of Australia Investiture Ceremonies

The Governor of Victoria hosted Investiture ceremonies for Victorian recipients of the 2023 King's Birthday Honours.