The Governor and Judge Howard welcomed The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr. to Victoria.
The Governor and Judge Howard visited ILIM College in Dallas to unveil the 'Connect to Country' mosaic as part of NAIDOC week.
The Governor and Judge Howard toured the JOY FM radio station; and later also toured the Melbourne Accelerator Program at Melbourne University.
The Governor presided at a meeting of the Executive Council; and received the call of Ms Caitlin Meyer, Youth Governor of Victoria, and Ms Amanda Gailiss, incoming Youth Governor of Victoria.
The Governor presided at the Investiture for the admission and promotion of Members of the Order of St John at Government House.
The Governor received the call of the Hon. Marcia Neave AO, Commissioner, Royal Commission into Family Violence. The Governor and Judge Howard toured the State Library of Victoria.
The Governor presided at a meeting of the Executive Council. The Governor and Judge Howard hosted the 16th Governor's Performance Series, featuring a performance from the Short Black Opera Company.
The Governor received the call of Mr Simon Warrender, Executive Director and Founder of Melbourne Prize Trust. Judge Howard met with Aboriginal graduates from the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
The Governor received the call of Professor Sharon Lewin, Director of the Doherty Institute.
The Governor and Judge Howard toured the Melba Support Services in Lilydale; and later, the Scorsese Exhibition at ACMI. The Governor received a delegation from Hanoi led by HE Nguyen Duc Chung, Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee. In the evening, the Governor and Judge Howard attended a performance of Matilda the Musical at the Princess Theatre.