The Governor and Judge Howard visited Healesville Sanctuary and later toured the Howard Arkley Exhibition at TarraWarra Museum of Art.
The Governor received a call from Mr Justin Hanney, Lead Deputy Secretary and Mr Jay Meek, Deputy Secretary, Trade Victoria, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.
The Governor toured ANCA Pty Ltd and ANCA Motion Pty Ltd, in Bayswater, a recipient of the 2015 Governor of Victoria Export Awards.
The Governor received a call from The Honourable Gavin Jennings MP, Special Minister of State. In the evening, the Governor, accompanied by Judge Howard, delivered a public lecture at the State Library of Victoria as part of the Big Ideas Under the Dome series.
The Governor presided at a meeting of the Executive Council.
The Governor presided at the Installation of Mr John Stanhope as the sixth Chancellor of Deakin University. In the evening, the Governor and Judge Howard hosted a dinner on the occasion of the visit of HE Mr John Berry, Ambassador of the USA and Mr Curtis Yee and The Hon Kevin Gover, Director of the National Museum of The American Indian and Mrs Anne Marie Gover.
The Governor received the salute at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.
The Governor welcomed HE Menna Rawlings CMG, High Commissioner of the UK and Mr Mark Rawlings; HE Mr John Berry, Ambassador of the USA and Mr Curtis Yee; and also Mr Stephen Brady AO CVO , Ambassador to France and Mr Peter Stephens to Government House.
HE General The Hon. Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Ret'd) Governor General of Australia invested the Governor The Hon. Linda Dessau AM, into the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem as Dame of Grace.
The Governor received calls from Mr Graeme Kelly, Chair of EW Tipping Foundation and Ms Margot Druce, Chair of Vista; Ms Sally McLean, President of The Queen's Fund; and Mr John Harden AM, Chair and Mr Andrew Westacott, CEO of Australian Grand Prix Corporation.