Vice-Regal Notes


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The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC hosted the third of three 2019 Australia Day Honours and Awards Investiture Ceremonies.

The Governor and Mr Howard then attended the Melbourne Football Club Chairman’s Function. 


The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC visited Forest Fire Management Victoria at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

They then welcomed Peace and Prosperity Kitchen Garden Scarecrow Program participants.

The Governor received the call of HE Mr António Pedro da Vinha Rodrigues da Silva, Ambassador for Portugal.



The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, accompanied by Mr Anthony Howard AM QC addressed the Melbourne Legacy 88th ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students.

They then hosted the second of three 2019 Australia Day Honours and Awards Investiture Ceremonies.


The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, presided at a meeting of the Executive Council before, with Mr Anthony Howard AM QC, hosting the first of three 2019 Australia Day Honours and Awards Investiture Ceremonies.



The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, received Mr W.G.S Prasanna, Consul General of Sri Lanka.

The Governor then, accompanied by Mr Anthony Howard AM QC, farewelled Term 1 Peace and Prosperity Kitchen Garden Program Participants.


The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, received Ms Siobhan Tobin, 2019 Victorian Rhodes Scholar.

The Governor then, accompanied by Mr Anthony Howard AM QC, installed the Hon. John Brumby AO as the Eighth Chancellor of La Trobe University.


The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, received the United Kingdom High Commissioner, HE Ms Vicki Treadell CMG MVO.

The Governor then received the Consul General of the United States of America, Mr Michael Kleine. With Mr Anthony Howard AM QC, the Governor attended the opening of the Peter O’Callaghan QC Portrait Gallery Extension.

The Governor and Mr Howard hosted the Government House Tennis Program.




The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, received the New Zealand High Commissioner, the Hon. Dame Annette King DNZM, and Consul General, Ms Vanessa O’Neill. The Governor hosted a lunch with Ms Carol Schwartz AM, Chair of the Women’s Leadership Institute Australia and Member of the Reserve Bank Board.

The Governor, with Mr Anthony Howard AM QC then hosted a reception for the 35th Anniversary of Interplast Australia and New Zealand before they attended the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Opening Night Allstars Supershow.


The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, presided at a meeting of the Executive Council before, with Mr Anthony Howard AM QC, hosting a lunch for Medical Research Institutes.

The Governor received the call of the Premier of Victoria, the Hon. Daniel Andrews MP.

Mr Howard led a tour of the State Apartments for Man Cave.



The Governor, the Hon. Linda Dessau AC, received HE Mr Ngo Huong Nam, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, and delegation of Provincial Leaders from Viet Nam.

The Governor received HE Dr István Mikola, Ambassador of Hungary.

Mr Anthony Howard AM QC led a tour of the State Apartments for the Auburn Probus Club.

The Governor recorded a message for the 100thAnniversary of Sir Zelman Cowen’s birth.