Notes on the program of the Governor of Victoria.


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The Governor officially opened the Australian Catholic University Conference "Pope Francis and Other Prophetic Voices"; she received a call from the Hon. Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria; and presided at the Australian Citizenship Ceremony. Later, the Governor and Judge Howard hosted a reception to recognise the appointment of the Hon. Geoffrey Nettle and the Hon. Michelle Gordon to the High Court of Australia.


The Governor received calls from Ms Rowena Allen, Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality; and Mr Scott Tanner, Chair of Committee for Melbourne. Later, the Governor and Judge Howard hosted a reception to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Arts Centre Melbourne.


The Governor presided at a meeting of the Executive Council. Later, the Governor and Judge Howard received Professor Lord Alec Broers.


The Governor and Judge Howard hosted a dinner at Government House in honour of Mrs Carrie Lam GBS JP, Chief Secretary of Administration, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


The Governor welcomed Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Secretary for Administration, Hong Kong and her delegation to Government House, where they will stay during their official visit to Victoria.


On Friday, the Governor hosted an Investiture for recipients of the 2015 Queen's Birthday Honours and Awards at Government House.


The Governor received a call from Justin Hanney, Lead Deputy Secretary DEDJTR; she visited the Australian Border Force National Detector Dog Training and Breeding Facility in Bulla; and also hosted a presentation of the Minister's Student Awards for Excellence in Timber Design and Manufacture at Government House. In the evening, the Governor attended St Paul's Cathedral and read a lesson at the Festival Evensong to mark the occasion of Queen Elizabeth II as the longest-serving Australian Monarch.


The Governor received calls from Mr Lewis Martin, Managing Director of Seven Network; The Hon. Fiona Richardson MP, Minister for Women and Minster for the Prevention of Family Violence; and Sheikh Abdul Azim al-Afifi, President of the Australian National Imams Council. Also, the Governor welcomed the Multicultural Inclusion Workshop participants to Government House; and later attended the 2015 Club Melbourne 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner.


The Governor presided at a meeting of the Executive Council; she received a call from Mr Richard Niall QC, Solicitor-General for Victoria; and later a call from the Hon Matthew Guy MP, Leader of the Opposition. In the evening, the Governor and Judge Howard attended a dinner in honour of the Hon Susan Crennan AC QC on her retirement from the High Court of Australia.


The Governor received a call from Ms Lynne Emblin, State Commissioner and Ms Jennifer Fleming, CEO of Girl Guides Victoria.